Thursday, January 28, 2016

Porn Star and a College Student

After watching all of the video clips in class i decided to choose CNN as my first source because their main focus wasn't about how she was a whore or that she was a disgrace, but that she was in control of her own body. CNN also took the students statement about how she feels about porn, which she feels empowered and that she can express herself freely and she feels comfortable about doing porn. Another women was asked her opinion about the students actions, and she feels it's a good thing and that it isn't as bad as it comes off, she has control of her own sexuality. This focus tells us about how our cultures attitude toward sex is that we should be able to control our own sexuality, but some Americans are not in control.
The second source I choose was The Young Terks their focus of the story was mostly about how the students personal life shouldn't have been exposed. Also there are a lot of haters, women and men towards the student but it's mostly out of spite and jealously. They are upset that she is making money doing something seen as "frowned upon". Theses people are so bitter to her, and quick to call her a whore, they are bulling her. I believe it is out of pure jealously. This focus reflects the attitudes towards sex in our culture as: degrading, embarrassing, porn is just bad, porn turns you into a slut, whore, etc.