Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sexual Objectification in Advertising

This first add I chose for my example of sexual objectification because according to Caroline Heldman 7 steps of sexualized objectification the woman is seen as wearing the mans shirt and some red lingerie that shows the sexual availability the man has to her. Also she could been seen as selling the commodity which is step 6, because the color of her clothes are the same as the box. This ad to me is saying that your hunger is satisfied by getting in a mans pants, and then eating the cereal.

This is the second picture I chose for my example of sexual objectification. As you can see they are only displaying breasts which is the first step in Caroline's 7- steps the ad only shows parts of the woman's (women's) body to show the s-class of the Benz. The ad also has writing across the front of the breasts which shows step 7 which is treating the body as a canvas. This ad also shows step 2, I believe the woman (women) in this ad are part of the car which is presenting as a sexualized person(s) as an object being the car.


  1. You did a really good job telling us what is going on in this ad. You also explained what they are trying to sell. I also saw the man in the back ground is all dirty and looks like he has been working so he deserves it. With the second ad, I am confused as to what the auto company is trying to get at.. I agree with you that they are suppose to be part of a car but I still can't see it. Also it doesn't make me want to buy this car.

  2. I agree with you on what you said about the first ad. You did a very good job explaining what's going on in the ad and how it is sexual objectification. Also I like how you pointed out that her clothes are the same color as the box. I wouldn't have thought of that, so nice observation!
    For the second ad it honestly doesn't make sense as a car ad. What do boobs have to do with cars. You also did a good job of explaining what is going on in this ad and telling us the steps of sexual objectification that is has.
