Thursday, April 21, 2016

Celebrity's vs Average People

Celebrities are symbolic because they are people we look up to, we always know what they are up to and they inspire us to do what they do. They are also symbolic because when they take action it is a larger gesture than an everyday person like you or I. We also attach a greater significance to them than we do to a regular human. We buy things because it has the celebrities name on it, not because it's special or different. Celebrities give is a feeling of specialness and meaning, everything must be thought put and must support the image. This is how their lives are different than ours, we do not have to maintain a certain look, attitude, or image because people are not always following us and taking pictures of us. We do not have the pressure to look a certain way or act a certain way. People honestly do not care about what you look like or what kind of car you drive because you're average just like them.
Celebs construct image and give narrative by giving us connection to reality, identification, stakes, and suspense. For example, they might craft their experiences/stories into shorter more meaningful narratives so people can connect with them. But in real life people actually experience things that do not have to be crafted because they happened first hand. Also people who are celebrities make more money than the average person, but some celebrities give it away so they have a good image. Overall I wouldn't wan to be a celebrity, it would be too much pressure to always look good and people would judge you all the time. I'd take being average than a celebrity any day.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you use the example that celebrities will sort of shape their narratives to make them more meaningful and connect with more people. I agree being a celebrity would suck having to always be your best and being judged all the time...the money would be nice though.
